Staffing Matters & Urgency Committee


Report of the Head of Human Resources



21 June 2021

Update on progress to implement the new Corporate Leadership Group (CLG)


1.        The committee has requested a further update on the progress of implementation of the new structure for CLG, as agreed by this committee in December 2020.

2.        This paper provides an update as at date of writing the report.  A further verbal update may be provided at the committee if information has updated.


3.        In March’s update the committee were provided assurance the timetable proposed in December was being followed, and that the selection process for the new Director positions had been carried out. 

4.        It was confirmed verbally in the meeting of those who had been successful, these are shown below for the record.

·           Director Customer & Communities – Pauline Stuchfield

·           Director Economy, Regeneration and Housing – Tracey Carter

·           Director Environment, Transport and Planning – James Gilchrist


5.        Following that activity three posts were still vacant and progressed to advertisement.

·           Director Safeguarding People

·           Director Commissioning & Prevention

·           Assistant Director Policy & Strategy



Activity since the last meeting


6.        The posts attracted a significant amount of interest with 8 candidates for each post being shortlisted to the first day of selection.  Candidates have been internal and external.


7.        The selection process for the three posts has commenced, with final member panel interviews happening week commencing 3 May and finishing Friday 14 May.


8.        Three candidate for each post were shortlisted and attended member panel interviews.


9.        Candidates who were successful have been offered the positions.  Two internal candidates have been appointed and commence 1 June 2021.


·           Director Safeguarding People – Michael Melvin

·           Assistant Director Policy & Strategy – Claire Foale


10.    An external candidate has been appointed to the Director Commissioning & Prevention role, and is going through the pre-employment checks. Until they have been concluded we are unable to share details.


Next Steps


11.    To complete the pre employment checks for the Director Commissioning & Prevention.

12.    As an internal candidate was appointed to the Director of Safeguarding we now need to backfill into the Assistant Director Adults Social Care. The committee is receiving a paper on this in its June meeting.




13.    There has been requirement for consultation on this report.


Council Plan


14.    Restructuring will contribute to delivering the Council Plan and its priorities, enabling the Council to remain proactive and fit for purpose for the future.



15.    There are no specific financial implications associated with this report as it is an updated.  The financial implication of the CLG restructure can be found in Decembers report.


Human Resources (HR)

16.    The recruitment and selection processes have been  carried out in accordance with the councils practices.  As the appointments are at Chief Officer they are member appointments.  There are no further HR implications.


17.    At this stage of the process there are no known equalities implications,  however, the Council needs to have due regard to the public sector equality duty, which will be kept under review via the completion of an equality impact assessment



18.    All Chief Officer posts are politically restricted pursuant to the Local Government and Housing Act 1989.


19.    The Council must ensure that its employment policies and procedures are followed so as to avoid any future legal challenge.  The council is required to demonstrate they have mitigated compulsory redundancy in any restructure and CYC do this through their assimilation process.  In addition, as these are Chief Officer roles then a Members appointment panel considers suitability.  In accordance with the Constitution, a member appointment panel will include at least one Member of the Executive.



Crime and Disorder, Information Technology and Property

20.    There are no identified implications.




Risk Management


21.    This is a key area of the Council and integrated into the members, along with active public involvement.  There will be public interest and we have to ensure the confidentiality of staff involved in the restructure is maintained even to the pressure of outside parties.  

22.        It is recommended that Staffing Matters and Urgency Committee:

·        Note the progress made to date.


Reason: To ensure the council has an appropriate Chief Officer structure to deliver the councils priorities.



Trudy Forster

Head of HR   


Chief Officer Responsible for the report:

Ian Floyd

Chief Operating Officer 






Report Approved








Specialist Implications Officer(s):



Wards Affected:  List wards or tick box to indicate all




For further information please contact the author of the report








CFO – Chief Finance Officer

CLG – Corporate Leadership Group

CMT – Corporate Management Team

COO - Chief Operating Officer

CYC- City of York Council

FTE - Full time equivalent

HR - Human Resources

LGA – Local Government Association

OD – Organisational Development

SMU – Staffing Matters and Urgency Committee